







15.09. bis 8.10. 2023

Tasting Cinema – Workshop des Kollektivs unthaitled

September 27th at 7PM


Film & Food – der Workshop verbindet das Medium Film mit Lebensmitteln. Ein Versuch, Lebensmittel nicht ausschließlich als Konsumprodukte zu betrachten. Wie können wir das Essen als Mittel benutzen, um Geschichten zu erzählen, wie ein Film – oder umgekehrt? Wir werden über die Themen diskutieren, die eine Mahlzeit prägen, von Aromen bis hin zu Kulturen. Das Essen zeichnet alle Handlungen auf, nicht anders als das Kino selbst.

In English language. With snack offer.


This workshop, combining medium of cinema and food, is an exercise of how we can see food beyond consumer products. How can we use food as a storytelling tool, like a movie – or the other way around? We will discuss topics that prevailed on a dish, from flavours to cultures. Food records all the acts not different from cinema itself.

In English. With finger food.

Tickets: 5,-/ red. 3,- €


part of the Wandering Salon project.
unthaitled x KAUM Film+++festival 2023 Wandering Salon is a collaborative project between the collectives unthaitled, Soydivision and curators spanning film screenings, performances, workshops, talks and other activities. It departs from a conceptual space reminiscent of the salon, the room in a house where guests – friends and strangers alike – are welcomed and entertained. These places exist in households all over Southeast Asia (ห้องโถงเคลื่อนที่, Salon dạo, Salon Keliling), becoming temporary communal spaces of encounters that fosters conversations and new forms of togetherness and solidarity.

un.thai.tled is a collective that brings together artists and creatives from Thailand and those with a Thai diasporic background. The collective curates cinema and cultural events in which discourses concerning Thailand and Southeast Asia can be deconstructed and reshaped. The collective shaped the annual unthaitled Film Festival, which started off few years ago as Thai film screening series.


Videos // Bilder // Audio (Platzhalter)