Wang, Ge, born 1975 in Liaoning, China, studied German and German literature and philosophy at Beijing Foreign Studies University, Freie Universität Berlin, and Peking University. For the last 4 years she has been living in Berlin, where she first worked for the BNC - Bildungsnetzwerk China (project of Stiftung Mercator), curating content programs; currently she is working at the FU Berlin, where she is researching on the topic "Ethics of Motherhood. Publications by Wang Ge: "Education as Becoming Human: Some Facets of the Intellectual Status Quo in China."
„Bildung als Menschwerdung: Einige Facetten des geistigen Status quo in China.“ In: Politische Meinung. Zeitschrift für Politik, Gesellschaft, Religion und Kultur, 535 (November-Dezember 2015).
„Enlightenment and Anti-Enlightenment in Early German Romanticism, with the Concept of the I as Starting Point.“ (In Chinese.) Modern Philosophy, 2 (2013)