







15.09. bis 8.10. 2023


© unthaitled

"Un-Thai-Tled" is a Berlin-based collective of Thai creatives that aims to combat misunderstandings and stereotypes and promote deeper socio-cultural engagement between Thai and German communities. The collective, made up of artists, designers and academics, was born out of a shared experience of the unconscious ignorance they encountered in the Western world and a desire to provide a platform for creative talent from Thai backgrounds. Unthaitled's mission is not only to showcase creativity, but also to stimulate discussions about Thai culture and identity, and to challenge simple labels and prejudices. By organising a series of events that focus on different mediums such as film and music, and by integrating a multidisciplinary approach that combines design, art and science, the collective invites the audience to engage in a thoughtful dialogue about Thai cultural issues. Although the project focuses primarily on creatives with Thai backgrounds, Unthaitled values inclusivity and collaboration. They are open to partnerships with other cultural exchange events in Berlin, underlining their commitment to building bridges of understanding between different cultures. The name of the collective, Unthaitled, reflects this mission and symbolises their ambition to overcome labels and bring Thai voices to the fore.