Schmetterlingsquartett (Berlin)
Wanchen Hsieh (Oboe), geboren 1977 in Taipeh, Taiwan, ist eine herausragende Oboistin. Sie absolvierte ihr Musikstudium in Berlin und gewann 2004 den ersten Preis beim internationalen Händel-Wettbewerb in Halle. Als gefeierte Solistin trat sie mit renommierten Orchestern in Europa und Asien sowie bei zahlreichen Festivals auf.
Claudia Other Claudia Other (violin), born in Dresden, received her musical education in the subjects violin and chamber music. Already during her studies, she was a member of the world orchestra "Jeunesses musicales". Since 1991 she has been a member of the orchestra of the Komische Oper Berlin. In addition, she gives concerts with various chamber music ensembles in Germany and abroad.
Dorisz Batka (viola) studied at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar im. During this time she was a member of the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra. She received her first engagement in 1990 at the Komische Oper in Berlin, where she has been deputy principal of the 2nd violins ever since. She also takes part in various Berlin chamber orchestras.
Matthias Wagner (cello), born in Leipzig, took cello lessons from the age of five. After his studies he was, among other things, a cellist in the Chemnitz Orchestra and a solo cellist in the Großes Rundfunkorchester Berlin. He is a permanent member of the International Bach Academy in Stuttgart and also plays in various chamber music ensembles.