







15.09. bis 8.10. 2023

Ming Poon

© privat

Ming Poon works with applied choreography, using it as a tool to interrogate, disrupt and re-organise the social and political relationality of the body in time and space. In particular, he is interested in the potential within the body of the weak/peripheral to resist and disrupt hegemonic structures, using choreographic strategies that involve decolonisation, vulnerability, care, queerness and failure. For him, movement refers to the body’s ability to move, take action, and have agency to create change. His works are interactive and collaborative in design. They usually take the form of collaborative performances, public interventions and intimate encounters. He initiated Asian Performing Artists Lab (APAL) in 2020 as a platform for Berlin/Germany-based artists with asian background to connect, share and work together and is a founding member of United Networks, a non-profit organisation that aims to build a nation-wide network of marginalised BIPoC artists, cultural practitioners, activists and community organisers working with performing arts in Germany. He is also part of Urgent Bodies, a collective whose goal is to bring dance and activism together, and manages The Farm, an independent space that combines performance-making with activism and co-living. In 2022-2023, he is a fellow in the Berlin Artistic Research Program.