Ken Yamamoto (*Paris, lives in Berlin), poet and spoken word poet, is a member of the legendary Berlin reading stage Spree vom Weizen, part of the political literary collective parallelgesellschaft e.V., organizer and moderator of the Best of Poetry Slam at Heimathafen Neukölln and for Kampf der Künste Hamburg. Currently working on the Poetronic Studies project [live radio plays between sound art, film music, sound poetry and computer-aided poetry performance]. Since 2004 [public] work on poetry and performance poetry, as well as nationwide direction of writing workshops and workshops in the fields of creative writing / slam poetry. Countless readings/performances in bars, clubs, theatres, at literature festivals and on television (WDR, Arte, ZDF Kultur). Wrote commissioned texts for YouTube, Edeka and DB, among others. Last residency for poetronic studies in Madrid (cooperation Matadero Madrid and Goethe-Institut Madrid) and work with the poetry slam scene of Madagascar.