Dorothea Rosa Herliany born in Central Java in 1963. She has published 30 books (poetry, prose, folktale, and biographies), included Hochzeit der Messer (German, Berlin Verlag, 2015). She has received many national awards, also 2 times received Khatulistiwa Literary Award--the most famous literary award in Indonesia-- for her poetry and prose book (2006 and 2015). The recent one she received was a cultural award from the Governor of Jogya, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (2022). Dorothea also has got some residency grants from Asialink & La Trobe University (Australia, 2000), Monash University (Australia, 2002), Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Germany, 2009), Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (Germany, 2013-2014), Stichting Poets of All Nations (Netherlands, 2014), Kulturhaus Villa Sträuli (Switzerland, 2019). In addition, she has decades of experience as a publisher. She founded a literary book publisher in 1999 and still active till today in the world of book publishing.